Sunday, 24 June 2012

My Rule of Thumb is That Job is Bad

At first I would like to share my own real life short story with you. This was the time when I was studying in class 11th. One day a class met of mine asked me, “Hey friend, what is your favorite hobby”. “To expense more and more money”, I answered. “You are fool”, he commented and gone. Truly saying my friend’s comment hit my heart and whether my hobby is logical and realistic hit my brain as well. A long time has passed since then, even though I never forgot neither my friend’s comment nor my hobby. I’m telling you this story, so that you can learn from my experience and make your rule of thumb to do that you really passionate about.
 " Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your       life"-Confucius                                                                                                                                                                                                            
I know my friend was not wrong. In fact he was just representing the then society’s perception about money that is earned after investing long time and lengthy work. Meanwhile I got a job with a good title and charming salary. I stayed more than five years in my job even yet I could never accomplish my hobby regardless of single-mindedly done my job. I realized that I can’t turn my hobby into reality being a wage slave. I have completed my masters in management after departing from soft zone job slavery and made my rule of thumb is that job is bad. I came into business ecosystem and fortunately searched out a hobby conquering opportunity very soon, considering job has enormous demerits like this-

“All paid jobs absorbs and degrades the mind” 
 - Aristotle                 

1.     Job makes man a victim of 50-40-30 plan which means you work at least 50 hour a week for at least 40 years and retire on 30% pension.

2.     Job salaries are not equals to individual worth and ability.

3.     A Job salary makes man a laborer or as much as a skilled laborer, if we calculate our salaries as per hourly basis.

4.     A major disadvantage of job is that of lack of freedom-time freedom for your life, your family and for someone else.

5.    Hectic job schedule leads us towards junk lifestyle resulting aging factor seems soon before the time and such a longer lifestyle cut down your life expectancy. It also hit your childlike facial look.

6.      In general, job cruelties are making us financially and ethically challenged.

7.      Low job salary and high ambitions are leading us towards illegal, unethical and corrupt behavior.

8.     We compel to collect honey for our employer being worker bees in a job.

9.     Most jobs are ‘dream killer’ as you have to do such a work which you don’t love.

Keeping in mind all the above facts, I decided entrepreneurial way to reach my dream. There were plenty of businesses I can start, but the secret to success as a hobby-driven entrepreneur is finding a proven system that eliminates most of the learning curves and start up mistakes people make.
Tom Bardeen, legendary business consultant with Michael Gerber (author of eMyth Marketing) Says, “All frustration is the result of the lack of a system.” I had a big challenge to find out such a system that could significantly attain my hobby. After my five month exhaustive online/offline search, I found spectacular life changing opportunity and trust me now I’m much closer to my hobby.

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